The phoenix rising from the ashes, symbol of transformation
The only constant is change.
Oh, how I loathed that phrase. Being of a very changeable nature, and experiencing plenty of transformation, both welcome and unwelcome (hello Scorpio), I strongly wished for certainty, some continuity or stability, something or someone to count on. Can you relate? Only when I began a regular meditation practice did I come to understand how profound that maxim is. The practice is all about observing the breath, thoughts and sensations of the body and what do they do? Change, constantly. I began to recognize that within this awareness of the constancy of change is the key to freedom, which for me means becoming comfortable with uncertainty. My meditation practice is essential to keep me grounded and clear. Pema Chodron wrote a wonderful book on this topic which I recommend, Comfortable with Uncertainty.
“The root of suffering is resisting the certainty that no matter what the circumstances, uncertainty is all we truly have.”
Resistance to Change
And of course the last thing we want to hear about when things are changing in a way we don’t like is that we are increasing our own suffering by resisting the change. Sigh. Resistance is futile. We may as well accept it and move forward as best we can from this new place. It is important to allow space for grieving, loss and emotional processing. Otherwise we skip over our own needs and that generally comes back to bite us later.
Pema comes from the Buddhist tradition and it is similiar to the yogic tradition in this way. In yogic terms all that changes (is born, grows, decays and dies) is deemed “unreal”. This doesn’t mean that our physical world doesn’t exist, because obviously it does, but that the more “real” unchanging existence is our consciousness. It’s sometimes referred to as the True Self, or Self, and it’s the part of us that is our essence, it’s what makes you, you. Beyond your roles in this life or personality characteristics, it’s your intrinsic nature. This is the part to call on for support and stability, especially in times of turbulence. It is a wellspring of energy and wisdom. I find I hear it best when I am quiet and relaxed, and after meditation.
Now is a perfect time to increase self-care. If you would like support in this area I continue to offer online private yoga sessions, life coaching, nutrition and distant Reiki healing. Bookings can be made here: http://www.yogakat.appointy.com