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Warrior A and Squaring Your Hips

By December 11, 2019December 11th, 2020No Comments

Warrior A

Both hips and feet pointing forward     Back hip and leg at an angle


Are You Squaring Your Hips in Yoga Class?

This cue to “square your hips or “hips like headlights” for some standing poses has been around a long time. Unfortunately, it only applies in certain postures and not to all bodies. Bones are differently shaped and this affects each person’s range of movement. Squaring your hips at the wrong time can strain the joints, typically the knee. So, how can you protect yourself and still practice these poses? Let’s start with Warrior A, or Virabhadrasana A, one of the main poses where this cue is used. In Warrior A, the standing lunge pose, however far outwards the back foot is pointed, it is important to line up the ankle, knee and outer hip in a straight line from that angle. No twisting the hip forward to “square it”. The comfortable or appropriate amount to turn one’s foot out varies from person to person. The rib cage may twist slightly forward in order to face forward. Since many people have tight hips, I usually start with a symmetrical lunge position and turn the back foot all the way forward, bending the back knee and lifting the heel. See the photos above. This is a place where squared hips can work as both legs are pointing straight ahead. Pressing back through the heel and lowering it down can be a gentle version of the pose and still both legs and feet are pointing straight ahead. This may be the end pose for you. Be happy! Adapt the poses to fit your body, don’t make your body fit the poses. This is advanced yoga. To sum up: square the hips in lunges where the back leg and foot are pointing directly forward but not in Warrior A where the back foot is pointing towards the corner or long edge of the mat.


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