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Travel tips for folks with Scoliosis

Going to California for Yoga Teacher Training

Tips for Travelling with Scoliosis

Most people I know with scoliosis LOVE to travel. It’s part of our mobile nature. What we don’t love so much is being in confined spaces for long periods of time. When I drove a 19 foot long camper down to California for yoga teacher training, (see photo of me waiting to depart at the ferry dock) you can bet I used all of these tips and more. Here are my tops tips for travelling well with scoliosis. Comment below with your favourite and send me yours!

Pack two tennis balls or lacrosse balls in a sock for acupressure relief. I use them on either side of the spine or neck and roll around while breathing fully, pausing on tight areas. Do not put pressure directly on the spine.

Hot pockets or short term heat warmers such as skiers use come with a belt to place around the lower back or wherever you get tight.

Use a Theraband for stretching arms in your seat and arms and legs after travelling.

30 minute rule: stretch break, get up, walk around or go to the bathroom and breathe. I usually go to the back of the plane to avoid stares. Standing side stretches, Warrior 1 to open hips and chest and lengthen the spine and twists are helpful. Anything that creates traction or more space in the torso with deep full breaths to open up. Give yourself extra time to include these stops as part of the journey. Avoid rushing as it can created muscle tension and unnecessary stress in the body.

Pelvic tilts in the seat at regular intervals and pelvic floor exercises.

Ensure you are well hydrated, well rested and eat good food before during and after the trip. I cannot emphasize this enough.

For flying I take no jet lag homeopathic that helps with tiredness. I set the an alarm to remember the intervals.

Wear a firm cervical collar from a medical supply store. This reduces neck ache and fatigue especially if you need to nap or are on a long trip. I put a scarf over it.

Bring a small pillow or a blanket/towel that can be made into a pillow for lower back support.

I use a thin blanket or sarong for a blanket on top of me. Staying warm and comfy is helpful for tight


I’ve learned to swallow my pride and ask for help in lifting luggage overhead and getting it down.

Driving: periodically stop and get out and practice walking meditation or simply pause and feel your feet on the ground. Balance the vibration and movement with rest and earth.

Share the driving. Use cruise control.

Ensure the seat and steering wheel are set up appropriately for you to avoid strain.

Add a pillow to ensure your pelvis is level or slightly tipped forward, not backward.

Rest your head on the head rest to avoid chicken neck when driving.

Do some hip and buttock stretches on driving breaks and after the trip. Figure four and clamshells and standing skating help with the buttocks while standing poses like triangle, parsvakonasana, parsvottanasna, prasarita padottanasana, and warrior 1 and 2 can assist the legs and hips.

If you like this and want to learn more about how to live well with scoliosis, join my free private Facebook group, Yoga and Healthy Aging for Women with Scoliosis here:

To learn how to practice yoga for scoliosis on your own, check out my book here:

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