Ayurvedic Massage


Ayurvedic bodywork includes acupressure to release tension, warm oil massage to relax and calm the nervous system and a variety of specific treatments for various ailments and conditions. It is especially beneficial for periods of grief and stress. I recommend booking on a day when nothing else needs to be done as you may feel like resting, taking a bath or simply walking in nature afterwards to integrate.

Currently the two options are:

Dry acupressure performed with the client clothed (often combined with Traditional Thai Massage) either on a massage table or floor mats

Warm oil on bare skin with the client on a massage table

Please specify when booking whether you would like to warm oil or dry massage.

Ayurvedic Massage testimonial

Hi Kathryn…wonderful session yesterday. Today I feel “more simplified” physically and emotionally. That’s the best way I can describe it. This is just what I needed to feel grounded and able to function amidst such great external chaos. My digestive system has ben working wonderfully since the treatment as well!!

Many thanks, Jo.