Scoliosis Undone E-book


A Yoga and Lifestyle Guide to reducing and preventing pain caused by scoliosis.

Explore the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual effects of scoliosis. This book will teach you key self-management strategies for this condition that can increase your overall well-being and reduce the frequency of visits to health practitioners. Photos and details of specific yoga postures to reduce neck, back and shoulder pain are included. You will explore simple home practices, self-reflection questions and learn practical tips that enhance your quality of life. Learn from my thousands of dollars and 16+ years invested in studying yoga, meditation, massage and holistic healing techniques.


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Kathryn Kusyszyn will guide you through the intellectual understanding of the condition as well as the physical and emotional journeys of shifting your relationship to your body. With regular practice, your proprioception, that is, your ability to grasp the relative position of body parts and the effort required to move them, increases. Your interoception, or sense of internal responses such as breathing, hunger, digestion, etc. also increases. We find our centre, meaning, our internal home. From there, we reach out and live with calmness and confidence.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Education on what scoliosis is and the different forms of it as well as a recommended resource list $50
  • A clear and detailed approach to yoga for scoliosis postures with photos: value $50
  • Personal self-exploration practices to understand your own curvature $100
  • Three home practice sequences specifically for scoliosis $150
  • Tips on how to sit, stand, walk and move about in daily life in order to support strength and stability rather than worsen a curvature. Priceless in my humble opinion. $150
  • Relevant self-reflection and journalling questions that incorporate yogic philosophy and facilitate a deeper self-connection $50

Total Value: $550 Cover price $9.99 + Taxes

BONUS: as a special thank you for ordering the e-book, you will receive a 30 minute free phone consultation. Details will be emailed to you with the e-book download link. This is worth more than the price of the e-book itself! Value $40

30 day No-risk Guarantee: if you read the entire book and do the practices consistently for 30 days without noticing any changes in body, mind or spirit, or learning anything new about your curvature, then I will happily refund your money. All I ask is that you give it and yourself a fair shot.

The bonus phone consultation is on for a limited time so act now if you want to secure your spot.

Are you ready and willing to take this step for yourself? Do you want to try some new things that can have amazingly positive results? If the answer is yes, then click on the button below to receive your e-book right away. Don’t live one more day with unnecessary pain and suffering. Take this step for yourself.

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E-Book (PDF Format), Print Format

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